don croft

/Tag: don croft

In Other News July 29, 2016

heartmeridaura watertower

In recent shows, we’ve talked about the increasing public awareness of gangstalking, especially after the New York Times feature story. Though the journalist or editor shaped the story to portray basically all gangstalking victims as mentally ill, the topic must have generated a lot of interest for it to show up on the pages of this major city newspaper. Moreover, in context, its important to keep in mind that worldwide, apartment buildings, hilltops, mountaintops, schools, water towers, steeples, hospitals are now affixed with antennas, drums and panels broadcasting microwave transmission that effect our biological fields. The EMF or electromagnetic frequencies and ELF extra low frequencies effects include cancer, mood alteration, and sleep deprivation.

In addition to this EMF infrastructure, psychotronic weapons and voice to skull technology, there is a vast army of predatory and deranged psychics within the intelligence agencies in various countries and within freemason cults says Don Croft who runs The human brain and other biological functions operate within particular frequencies. If the frequencies in an environment are specifically changed to induce a certain behavior, you can imagine what might happen with this technology in the wrong hands.

Guest – Laura Weise who is an energy worker living in Montana. For the last 10 years, Laura has helped people with  remote healings, chakra tune ups, cord and entity removals. Its a unique skill set that empowers clients to fend off electronic harassment attacks and establish protection. She lives in Montana with her husband Steve O and is good friends with Don and Carol Croft. Website – DonebyDooney

In Other News April 9, 2015


We return to the topic of etheric warriors, which is also the name of website by Don and Carol Croft. Don Croft and traveling partner Francisco have recently returned from an enduring trip to Florida by land and then to Central America by sea. They traveled in 12 hour shifts in a small open boat along the Caribbean coast. Not many would attempt this kind of journey. We get an idea of what it was like to be exposed to the elements, harassed by the US Coast Guard and the rare moments of seeing into the etheric. Here is the first part of the video documentation. In past interviews with Don and Carol, we spoke about the quiet build up of microwave antenna towers, radar domes and multiple ionospheric heater sites. Our environment has been saturated with electromagnetic and microwave smog that interfere with the base frequency of biological life on this planet. To briefly review and connect the past shows on this topic, in June 2012, Dr Konstantin Korotkov was on the show confirming that orgone energy can be measured using GDV cameras that he helped develop.

We’ve also examined in a 3 part series, orgone energy as it relates to the man who discovered it, research physician and scientist Wilhelm Reich. Orgone energy has been described as a biological energy in living substances that can coalesce to create organization on all scales, within the microscopic it’s called bions, and within the macroscopic structures, orgone energy would be clouds, and to even larger forms such as galaxies. In the last decade, the science and interpretation of orgone has branched out into various groups and has taken the form as a global effort of people crafting their own pieces of orgonite made from crystals, metallic shavings and resin. There’s a formula to this including modifying Reich’s work in creating tower busters. Their group has been infiltrated by government agents in the past and since then, Don has screened the members of the forum and created an amazing online collaboration of information from individuals around the world working with orgonite, and or etheric energy. Don makes its clear that this is all subjective, this is just his experience, he’s not trying to prove anything. He says a lot of people read the forum as entertainment and that’s fine too. ———————————————————————

In Other News December 15, 2014


If you’ve been following the interviews with Carissa Conti, the last 2 were about interference. It’s a broad area with many subcategories. We look at specific examples with returning guests Don and Carol Croft of Ethericwarriors. Examples such as the sabotage that can occur when being involved with the group or making and distributing orgonite. In past interviews with Don and Carol, we spoke about the quiet build up of microwave antenna towers, radar domes and multiple ionospheric heater sites. In the past decade our environment has been saturated with electromagnetic and microwave smog that interfere with the base frequency of biological life on this planet.

To briefly review and connect the past shows on this topic, in June 2012, Dr Konstantin Korotkov was on the show confirming that orgone energy can be measured using GDV cameras that he helped develop. We’ve also examined in a 3 part series, orgone energy as it relates to the man who discovered it, research physician and scientist Wilhelm Reich. Orgone energy has been described as a biological energy in living substances that can coalesce to create organization on all scales, within the microscopic it’s called bions, and within the macroscopic structures, orgone energy would be clouds, and to even larger forms such as galaxies. Over the years, the science and interpretation of orgone has branched out into various groups and has taken the form as a global effort of people crafting their own pieces of orgonite made from crystals, metallic shavings and resin.

There’s a formula to this including modifying Reich’s work in creating tower busters. Their group has been infiltrated by government agents in the past and since then, Don has screened the members of the forum and created an amazing online collaboration of information from individuals around the world working with orgonite, and or etheric energy. Don makes its clear that this is all subjective, this is just his experience, he’s not trying to prove anything. He says a lot of people read the forum as entertainment and that’s fine too. However, as you’ll hear, the interference is alive and well. We talk with Don and Carol about real examples of interference among the members of such computer sabotage, gangstalking and boilerplating.

In Other News January 28, 2013


Last year in June, Dr Konstantin Korotkov was on the show confirming that orgone energy can be measured using GDV cameras that he helped develop. We also examined in a 3 part series, orgone energy as it relates to the man who discovered it, research physician and scientist Wilhelm Reich. Orgone energy has been described as a biological energy in living substances that can coalesce to create organization on all scales, within the microscopic it’s called bions, and within the macroscopic structures, orgone energy would be clouds, and to even larger forms such as galaxies.
Over the years, the science and interpretation of orgone has branched out into various groups and has taken the form as a global effort of people crafting their own pieces of orgonite made from crystals, metallic shavings and resin. There’s a formula to this including modifying Reich’s work in creating tower busters. The topics and viewpoints in this interview may be very subjective to some listeners. If that’s the case, I might suggest putting this information into the wait and see category.
The quiet build up of microwave antenna towers, radar domes and multiple ionospheric heater sites in the last 10 years has saturated our environment with electromagnetic smog interfering with the base frequency of life on the planet. Yes, cell phone and other modern communication systems are carried on these towers, but there is more to the story.
We talk with Don Croft about how etheric warriors around the planet are using orgonite to help neutralize the EMF technology and much more.

Guest – Don Croft runs the sites Etheric Warriors and EW is a site for people around the world to discuss their experiences creating and using the many varieties of orgonite such as cloud busters, tower busters, and wearing orgonite pendants.

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