In Other News October 11, 2024


We hear the second hour of the April 26, 2018 geoengineering debate with Dane Wigington and Professor Paul Beckwith. This is also the second debate with Professor Beckwith. As you will hear in this one hour, the discussion breaks down as Professor Beckwith refuses to directly respond to specific inquiry.

Professor Paul Beckwith explores the data showing rapidly changing weather patterns. Beckwith said he would look in to Dane’s research on real time climate engineering indicating that ongoing geoengineering programs are a major causal factor related to the accelerating climate disasters and disruptions.

Professor Beckwith is a physicist and engineer. He’s a part-time professor at the University of Ottawa, laboratory of paleoclimatology and is in a Ph.D. program, with a focus on Abrupt Climate System Change and is also at Carlton University, department of Geography and Environmental studies.

Dane Wigington has a background in solar energy and forestry, he’s a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp and is the lead researcher for Dane focuses on the climate engineering issue and claims available evidence indicates geoengineering has been fully deployed for decades with catastrophic effects. Dane welcome back to the second live geoengineering discussion.

What is climate engineering or geoengineering, some define it as the deliberate modification of a planet’s environment by the addition or subtraction of a resource or energy input on a massive scale. Proposed geoengineering projects on Earth, often introduced as a means of combating climate change , have included space mirrors, aluminum or sulfur-spraying in the stratosphere, and oceanic carbon sequestration.

Here are the youtube versions on Dane Wigington’s channel if you want to check out comments, such as the one posted below.

Dane-Patrick Wood
Dane-ProfPaulBeckwith Part 2

From youtube video comment of second debate with Paul Beckwith:


I will not unsubscribe to Paul’s channel, but I no longer donate. (Of course I donate to Paul’s time and effort that he has put into his tutorial videos are still VERY valuable. Yes, it’s unfortunate, he practically refuses to take into consideration the climate engineering realities, specifically solar radiation management (SRM) and its “proposed” practices. But, cmon, his videos are not full of lies. There’s a lot of validity to them. His scientific observations and researching efforts are genuine. He cares about peoples understanding of the natural world, and in essence for life on planet earth. He speaks passionately about an ice free Arctic within 2 years, if not sooner. So, I will not discredit his videos. For instance, the feedback loops in the Arctic videos are still worthy of sharing for anyone who wants to learn (more) about the processes behind them. Anyone Ive shared those videos with are grateful for the share… So, I now ask you all, more so, I ask Mr. Beckwith, if you refuse to read or view what you disagree with how can you gain deeper insights into your own convictions? What we (all need) want is to show Paul the light. And allow him to come to conclusions on his own. That won’t happen if we shun him for not seeing it yet… Key word, YET. I BELIEVE he will come around. I believe everyone will. Fingers crossed. Toes too! But, positivity is the way to lead. Bullying someone into believing your (our) ways is not conducive in changing someone’s mind. It makes them more prone to denying the facts, thus getting further away from seeing the light. Anyway, either way, we shouldn’t be insulting him for his efforts in an attempt at a SECOND debate with Dane. Yes, indeed Paul failed again at disproving Danes theoretical research. Dane makes him look a fool. And that probably makes him angry. But, that’s human nature. Dane aggravates, in my opinion, EVERYONE he debates. Not because he wants to though. Dane is just amazing that way because he is so diligent in his efforts in finding the truth and then by the sharing of it. So, let’s give credit where credit is due, and say it is definitely ballsy of PAUL to willingly engage in another debate. That’s not necessarily a compliment, but it’s not an insult either. So, for the love of all things good, could you, Paul, at least look at some of the RESEARCH and information provided on Pleaseeeee, Paul….that’s all I and really anyone, can ask of you. Dane provides that information and research so individuals don’t have to spend the years of time, mental energy, or physical effort he has in order to find the information themselves. And I thank him from the bottom of my heart for doing so. Since this information is being strategically hidden from us through distraction and gag orders. Dane asks/tells, everyone not to believe him, and to do their own research, but he helpfully provides what he has found already to anyone who wants to view it. This is not a malicious attempt to misguide people, but a sincere way of letting any and everyone see what he’s already found and seen for himself. So, again, I beg you, Paul, at least challenge your own convictions. If you insist on having biased opinions towards one thing, versus another, well for crying out loud, don’t let yourself become ignorant because of your bias. Naivety is one thing, ignorance is another. Since, neither are traits one wants to be characterized by, lets agree that ignorance is far worse. Ignorance is bliss.. Why? Because ignorance is due to an observation(s) being denied, consciously, of critical/logical thought processes. Naivety is an unconscious DELAY in critical/logical thought process because of a LACK in understanding of the observation(s).

In Other News October 4, 2024

On this show the topics of healthy boundaries, high character and the human shadow have been examined in depth with guests such as Dr. Paul Dobransky, Paul Levy, Dr. Connie Zweig and Dr. Joe Slate. I’m going to connect these ideas and show you how the healthy mind, body and spirit concept applies directly when assessing the health of a person’s boundary, human energy fields and psychic parasites.

Beginning with boundaries, past guest author and psychiatrist Dr. Paul Dobransky is one of very few who developed a comprehensive visual system to understand and utilize a healthy human boundary and explained that connection to achieving high character. He says your identity in life depends upon learning about boundaries. By doing so, you can learn how to be free from stress and how to command respect.

Essentially, making decisions out of courage, meaning doing the right thing at the time that its needed is making a decision out of courage. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be hypervigilant and run around performing acts of heroism. Being mindful and keeping your word such as showing up at the right time or being prepared for a meeting are some everyday examples. Standing up for yourself in an assertive way and learning how to say “no” are other examples. In our interviews Dr. Paul explained the importance of saying no to maintain healthy boundaries and keep the energy exchange in the win-win category.

Taking lose-win deals will overtime empty your tank of self esteem. Stop taking the lose win deals by answering no to those requests. Saying no is closing the visualized door in your boundary wall. As Dr. Paul describes it, your boundary wall has a door or many doors, but its important to visualize the handle attached on the inside of the door, so you control the opening and closing. When you have control of the door, and only accept win-win deals, in addition to making decisions out of courage you build your self esteem. Your self esteem is a combination of well being and confidence. That’s your gold which Dr. Carl Jung refers to when speaking about the psychological condition of the human shadow.

How can you be free from stress utilizing a healthy boundary? Many who are aware of their shadow issues and potential to lose composure under stress have developed a system of pausing before responding to stimuli. This a similar teaching covered in some martial arts, military and police training. Keeping your composure in a high stress environment is usually a sign of high character. A person with a healthy boundary can choose to respond or not since the handle of the boundary doors are on the inside. Its a simple yet very effective visual tool that can help fortify your self esteem and reduce stress.

Unhealthy boundaries can be full of holes or walled off. A walled off boundary seals up the doors to protect from stimuli such as stress, people or a hostile environment. The impervious boundary is often deployed by those emotionally or psychologically hurt or if someone has experienced loss. In these cases stress can crash through and overwhelm the person. This is often why psychiatrists will prescribe anti-depressants as a temporary fix. while you learn to build a proper boundary. No decisions were being made, therefore self esteem levels remained very low. Low self esteem can result in projecting that loss and hurt onto others. This is also where the shadow manifests creating irrational or unprovoked negative thoughts, lashing out, name calling and violent acts toward others.

We hear part of an interview with Dr. Paul Dobransky speaking about boundaries and psychic vampires.

This is without going deep into the various archetype work that Dr. Paul has written about in his book The King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. In one interview Dr. Paul was also pointing out how experiencing stress can be very damaging to the point where a regression takes place and the personality can revert to a younger psychological age. This bit of information isn’t very well known. Think about this for a minute, the improvements gained from years of therapy sessions, personal education or various critical life shaping experiences can dissolve when you repeatedly expose your nervous system to stressful thoughts or situations. Protections against this level of stress can occur with a healthy personal boundary.

Low self esteem can also occur from constantly taking lose-lose deals. You’re saying yes to every request that is asked of you. The doors to access your personal gold are left wide open. Another way to think about this condition is that the door handles are wrongly placed on the outside where anyone can open them up, reach in and take what they want. A lot of the time this is done unconsciously. The results are low self esteem, feeling drained, and psychically tired. Psychic fatigue is a mind-body tiredness that past guest Carissa Conti writes about because its usually the result of energy being transferred to a psychic parasite. Past guest Dr. Joe Slate went into detail about this and so did Dr. Paul.

The indigenous wisdom traditions also point out that on the physical level, drugs and alcohol create holes in the human auric field that allow easy access for etheric parasites and psychic vampires. Not unlike how the mountain pine beetle can detect a weak tree to infest, etheric parasites can spot a weak human energy system. Dr. Joe Slate is the author of Psychic Vampires, Protection from Energy Predators and Parasites. He’s a licensed Psychologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Alabama and postdoctoral studies in hypnosis and psychosomatic medicine at the University of California. His research into human energy systems has been funded by the US Army, and the Parapsychology Foundation of New York. Dr. Slate defines the term psychic vampire and its many applications from countries, corporations to the individual.

You notice that Dr. Joe Slate has compassion for the energy parasites because of the energy exchange relativity. The technique he mentions of clasping the hands together is very effective. You can look at as closing the circuit. However, on a deeper level, you become the target of energy vampires and etheric parasites if you’re energy system is running low either from a combination of unhealthy boundaries, a lifetime of lose-lose decisions and the body being nutritionally deficient.

In past shows, Laura Shapira and Dr. Connie Zweig discussed various aspects of Dr. Carl Jung’s psychological theory of the human shadow as critical components of ourselves to acknowledge because if unrecognized, the human shadow begins to grow and evolve on its own, unconsciously and will usually show up in situations under stress. Dr. Zweig and Laura Schapira describe, is the moment to also recognize some of your own buried treasure. Why is understanding the shadow aspect of your personality important for a healthy human boundary and overall human energy system? If this exploration is suppressed, your hidden treasure could remain buried.

Dr. Connie Zweig, founder of the Center for Shadow-work and Spiritual Counseling of AIWP. She has a doctorate in psychology, two years training at the Los Angeles Jung Institute, and has been in practice for 20 years. Her books include Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature and Romancing the Shadow: Illuminating the Dark Side of the Soul. Dr. Zweig has come to be known as “The Shadow Expert”: a guide who can go where others fear to tread, into your dark side.

Some people don’t want to talk about evil or even think about evil. Remember Mark Passio’s interview about the new age philosophy of never getting angry. Mark says you need anger for the transmutation process. The human shadow will target those who ignore its ancient psychospiritual disease of the soul. Author Paul Levy calls it Wetiko, its another name for the same affliction of the shadow. His book Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil claims by realizing that we’re all capable of terrible evil unwittingly or not is a beginning to dissolve its strength. Paul had a life changing spiritual awakening and began to recognize the dream like nature of reality.

That was part of an interview with past guest Paul Levy author of Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil. Paul says encoded in the very same affliction that will destroy us from the inside out is a process that can empower and wake us up. But if you can’t recognize that it hides itself rom being seen it will continue to operate in sinister ways. Past guest Professor Eric Larson who gave me his copy of Dispelling Wetiko wrote a powerful essay on this book. The shadow or wetiko doesn’t have power on its own. It operates through the unconscious, the psychic blind spot manifesting as projections. Paul’s research found that Wetiko virus won’t mutate, it forces us to mutate.

Paul Levy is also the author of The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis and also Awakened By Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father.

In 1917, Dr. Carl Jung wrote the essay “On the Psychology of the Unconscious” about the personal shadow as the other in us. The negative side of the personality, the sum of all unpleasant qualities we like to hide. It embarrasses or shames us. “Everything with a substance casts a shadow, the ego stands to the shadow as light to shade.” Past guest Laurie Schapira is a teacher at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. She’s also a filmmaker and author of the book, The Cassandra Complex: Living with Disbelief: A Modern Perspective On Hysteria. We talked about how the shadow can manifest on a larger scale.

Boundaries and shadow work also scale up and can apply to businesses, corporations or countries. Dr. Joe Slate said about location being irrelevant? In physics its called the non-local field. There’s no separation anywhere. The 3rd dimensional laws of space and time are transcended, they don’t hold. Everything is connected with everything else. Paul Levy says when we think, that bad guy, that terrorist, etc they’re evil. We’ve fallen under the spell of Wetiko. What Wetiko feeds off of, not only fear but polarization. If we think that someone is evil, etc, that’s the way the Wetiko is hiding within our perception.

When you see that non-local field then you begin to see the dream like nature of reality. You realize we don’t exist in isolation, we’re interdependent with each other. We all exist in this web, this reciprocal, interconnection, when you see that, that’s the snap out of the separate self the expression out of the realization is compassion. Compassion is the Wetiko dissolver.

Healthy human boundaries opening the doors for win win deals, high character, making decisions out of courage, and an awareness of the human shadow or wetiko, transforming the darkness into gold, are all connected in forming part of the formula in maintaining the human energy system.

In Other News September 27, 2024

We welcome back to the show, returning guest Harry Hubbard who had produced a series of videos titled CCP Parts 1-6. The video series is a deep dive into numerous books with publishing dates from 1890 that all reference a diabolical hidden hand of control in the United States.

Titles include The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beatty , The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, Know Your Enemies by Jack Moore, Tragedy And Hope by Carroll Quigley, The Secret Team: The CIA And Its Allies In Control Of the United States And The World, My Life In Christ – by Eustace Mullins, and Masters Of Deceit: The Story Of Communism In America And How To Fight It by J. Edgar Hoover.

Harry Hubbard is a researcher and collector of rare books, maps, artifacts and currency. We’ve done several shows in the past including, exploring books and maps about the hollow Earth back in 2015.


In Other News September 20, 2024

Rebroadcast from September 2023 – Cleaning Voter Rolls In Every U.S. County.

In this interview Jay Valentine was working to purge duplicate and false addresses from the voter rolls with a target set in all 3200 counties in the United States. He contends in this interview that he likely won’t meet that goal by November 2024. Which means that a very large percentage of corrupt voter rolls will remain with old and slow database software. The unpurged voter rolls are likely  packed with false or outdated addresses. In one scenario, the ballots with fake addresses are sent to warehouses, parking lots, strip malls where the ballots can be later harvested. Until the voter roll databases are purged and converted to better software in all 3200 counties for this election, how can the will of the people be properly expressed in this election?

There are people in positions of power in this country that are willing to do whatever it takes to rig the 2024 election against the voter’s choice. There’s a lot at stake, with unchecked rampant election fraud, the United States may further descend into an irreversibly worse situation.

Hard to believe? I urge you to read Mollie Hemingway’s book titled Rigged: How The Media, Big Tech and Democrats Seized Our Elections. She cites and reveals evidence showing how financial support from big tech, namely Mark Zuckerburg and other sources that helped to create more votes for the Democratic Party. The specific area of concern is mail in ballots, but as many know, digital voting machines and manipulation of voter roll databases are also key vectors of exploitation. However, if you’ve noticed, the left and most of the right aren’t calling the proper attention to election reform, the type of election reform that would create full transparency, a reform that would present irrefutable evidence in court. The type of reform that allow an election system to directly reflect the voice and will of the voter. That technology actually exists and some of it is being used to restore accurate voter data base rolls across counties in many states.

Guest – Jay Valentine has been leading software developers for years to bring systems of transparency to database manipulation including insurance and medicaid fraud. As many know all of this corruption costs taxpayers dearly. Jay Valentine is currently working with legislators in 27 states to demonstrate consistently accurate, and quickly accessible voter databases. Jay Valentine’s site

In Other News September 13, 2024

On this anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, we hear an interview with Andrew Johnson and Jerry Leaphart, Dr. Judy Wood’s attorney. In 2005, several reports mandated by Congress were issued by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) to determine why and how World Trade Center 1 and World Trade Center 2 collapsed. In April 2007, Dr Judy Wood and Connecticut attorney Jerry Leaphart filed a Qui Tam complaint against contractors such as Applied Research Associates or ARA who were among the groups tasked to produce the reports. Parts of Dr. Judy Wood’s book titled Where Did the Towers Go? Evidenced of Directed Free Energy Technology on 911 were submitted as evidence in this case. This evidence shows that both towers turned to dust before a gravity driven collapse was possible. Its critical to understand that this evidence can’t be explained by thermal or kinetic destructive mechanisms.

Her case highlights that defendants such as ARA are developers and -or manufacturers of Directed Energy Weapons systems or components therefore it would be a conflict of interest in producing a truthful report. Dr. Judy Wood’s research shows that directed free energy technology exists. Destructive directed energy technology also exists and is now loaded on military aircraft and used to destroy targets on the ground. That information can be quickly found by visiting the Directed Energy Directorate online.

Dr Judy Wood compiles a book of scientific evidence showing irrefutable proof that the towers turned to dust in the air by a directed energy weapon. Yet, the companies that develop directed energy technology claim the towers collapsed in their report issued by NIST. What kind of twisted freak show irony is this? Why is it ok to ignore this?

Open your ears and listen carefully for the serpent songs being sung suggests past guest Professor Eric Larson. He wrote the foreward and edited Where Did The Towers Go? He’s the author of many books including The Skull of Yorick: The Emptiness of American Thinking At A Time of Grave Peril; Studies In the Cover Up of 9/11. Professor Larsen characterized the mainstream media as a pus filled sac of poison that turn to a source giving half truths and lies, treacherous lies of omission that have long term consequence.

Imagine what could’ve happened if Dr. Wood’s book became a number one bestseller? What if her book had gained traction back in 2007, and it launched a world wide shift in consciousness about the events on that day. Somehow the fog of cognitive dissonance lifted and the scientific evidence presented in the book was absorbed by people in positions of authority, responsibility, and power and then these people chose not to follow lies of murderous, plotting tyranny. They stood against the intimidation. They rejected and exposed the real lies. According to Professor Larsen’s list they would include journalists, writers, editors, broadcasters, teachers, professors, college presidents, administrative officers, deans, corporate managers, directors, figures in and throughout government at every level from the White House down to the most junior member of the least significant in Congress. Dr. Wood’s work might’ve been celebrated in exposing one of the biggest cover ups known to the human race. There might be statues commemorating Dr. Wood in public spaces.

You might ask yourself why didn’t this happen? To this day, what prevents a proper awareness to cascade through the channels?

In one of his essays Professor Larsen itemizes what everyone knows. Quote – “Without 911, there would’ve been no Patriot Act, no abuse of FISA and stripping away of privacy rights, no Military Commissions Act of 2006 with its setting aside of Habeas Corpus, no implementation of Northcom and deployment of our own military forces on domestic American soil and no trashing of the Bill of Rights and Constitutional guarantees. Without 911, there would never have been any fake and opportunistic “Global War on Terror”. There would never have been Guantanamo as we know it now, never have been official programs of torture or fake demonizing of Islam in order to justify wars. The complete list of atrocities, crimes, and inhumanities triggered by or justified by 911 could fill whole chapters, even books.”

Meanwhile, everyday, hopeful hearts and minds tune into progressive media sources and trust that the content is sincere and honest, but are they also serpent songs in America? With respect to the victims and their families from the attacks on September 11, 2001, we go now to hear the interview with Attorney Jerry Leaphart and Andrew Johnson, a former software engineer and now a teacher. Andrew runs the site He’s author of the book 911, Finding the Truth, which is free to download at his site.

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