In Other News August 3, 2023
We hear an interview with Carol Croft and Dooney from ethericwarriors. Carol was a gifted psychic which allowed her to see etheric energy and entities. Carol passed away June 2021 marking an end to ethericwarriors as we’ve known it. In memory of Carol and the courageous work she did with her husband Don and etheric warriors, we dig back into the archives and tune in to a rare past interview.
For the last decade there have been a range of guests on this show speaking about creation and distribution of properly made orgonite. The focus was on the transmutation from what Wilhelm Reich termed deadly orgone radiation into positive orgone energy. Reich found that orgone energy is present in the atmosphere and devices can be produced to accumulate positive orgone energy such as the orgone accumulator box. It was designed for a person to sit in. The walls are made with layers of wood and metal or steel wool. By the same principle, orgonite is essentially cupcake size (2-3 inches diameter, 1.5 inches thick) cast in resin with layered metal and real crystals. Orgonite can be seen as a cross section in the wall of Reich’s orgone accumulator box.
Not surprisingly, the orgonite industry has been infiltrated by parasites. Don Croft affectionately refers to those working for team parasite as sewer rats. In one interview Don Croft said “If you look at the way the world is being run right now, their currency is negative energy. Orgonite transmutes negative energy into positive energy. Their currency is literally dead and they spread sickness and hopelessness, and mayhem where ever they can. They’ve done it for a long time. So, orgonite undermines their infrastructure. If you distribute this stuff, it makes it harder and harder for them to do their work.”
Other topics have come from reporting on the many facets connected to distributing orgonite and the life etheric, they include zero point energy and learning about the ancient parasite dynamic. When distributing orgonite often times you can cut off the food supply of parasites. When this happens, there are usually attacks and interference such as computer sabotage, website hacking, organized stalking, etheric and psychotronic harassment.
If you’re undermining the world currency of negative energy by creating and distribution effective and cheap orgonite, you will be interfered with. We talk about the recent attacks against the late Don Croft and etheric warriors with returning guest Carol Croft who runs, and, we’re also joined by past guest Laura Weise, her nickname is Dooney. Dooney is a longtime friend of Carol’s and for more than a decade she’s worked as an energy healer for her clients that include victims of organized stalking. Her site is