don croft

/Tag: don croft

In Other News August 3, 2023


We hear an interview with Carol Croft and Dooney from ethericwarriors. Carol was a gifted psychic which allowed her to see etheric energy and entities. Carol passed away June 2021 marking an end to ethericwarriors as we’ve known it. In memory of Carol and the courageous work she did with her husband Don and etheric warriors, we dig back into the archives and tune in to a rare past interview.

For the last decade there have been a range of guests on this show speaking about creation and distribution of properly made orgonite. The focus was on the transmutation from what Wilhelm Reich termed deadly orgone radiation into positive orgone energy. Reich found that orgone energy is present in the atmosphere and devices can be produced to accumulate positive orgone energy such as the orgone accumulator box. It was designed for a person to sit in. The walls are made with layers of wood and metal or steel wool. By the same principle, orgonite is essentially cupcake size (2-3 inches diameter, 1.5 inches thick) cast in resin with layered metal and real crystals. Orgonite can be seen as a cross section in the wall of Reich’s orgone accumulator box.

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Not surprisingly, the orgonite industry has been infiltrated by parasites. Don Croft affectionately refers to those working for team parasite as sewer rats. In one interview Don Croft said “If you look at the way the world is being run right now, their currency is negative energy. Orgonite transmutes negative energy into positive energy. Their currency is literally dead and they spread sickness and hopelessness, and mayhem where ever they can. They’ve done it for a long time. So, orgonite undermines their infrastructure. If you distribute this stuff, it makes it harder and harder for them to do their work.”

Other topics have come from reporting on the many facets connected to distributing orgonite and the life etheric, they include zero point energy and learning about the ancient parasite dynamic. When distributing orgonite often times you can cut off the food supply of parasites. When this happens, there are usually attacks and interference such as computer sabotage, website hacking, organized stalking, etheric and psychotronic harassment.

If you’re undermining the world currency of negative energy by creating and distribution effective and cheap orgonite, you will be interfered with. We talk about the recent attacks against the late Don Croft and etheric warriors with returning guest Carol Croft who runs, and, we’re also joined by past guest Laura Weise, her nickname is Dooney. Dooney is a longtime friend of Carol’s and for more than a decade she’s worked as an energy healer for her clients that include victims of organized stalking. Her site is

In Other News April 24, 2022

We hear an interview with Carol Croft and Dooney from ethericwarriors. Carol was a gifted psychic which allowed her to see etheric energy and entities. Carol passed away June 2021 marking an end to ethericwarriors as we’ve known it. In memory of Carol and the courageous work she did with her husband Don and etheric warriors, we dig back into the archives and tune in to a rare past interview.

For the last decade there have been a range of guests on this show speaking about creation and distribution of properly made orgonite. The focus was on the transmutation from what Wilhelm Reich termed deadly orgone radiation into positive orgone energy. Reich found that orgone energy is present in the atmosphere and devices can be produced to accumulate positive orgone energy such as the orgone accumulator box. It was designed for a person to sit in. The walls are made with layers of wood and metal or steel wool. By the same principle, orgonite is essentially cupcake size (2-3 inches diameter, 1.5 inches thick) cast in resin with layered metal and real crystals. Orgonite can be seen as a cross section in the wall of Reich’s orgone accumulator box.

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Not surprisingly, the orgonite industry has been infiltrated by parasites. Don Croft affectionately refers to those working for team parasite as sewer rats. In one interview Don Croft said “If you look at the way the world is being run right now, their currency is negative energy. Orgonite transmutes negative energy into positive energy. Their currency is literally dead and they spread sickness and hopelessness, and mayhem where ever they can. They’ve done it for a long time. So, orgonite undermines their infrastructure. If you distribute this stuff, it makes it harder and harder for them to do their work.”

Other topics have come from reporting on the many facets connected to distributing orgonite and the life etheric, they include zero point energy and learning about the ancient parasite dynamic. When distributing orgonite often times you can cut off the food supply of parasites. When this happens, there are usually attacks and interference such as computer sabotage, website hacking, organized stalking, etheric and psychotronic harassment.

If you’re undermining the world currency of negative energy by creating and distribution effective and cheap orgonite, you will be interfered with. We talk about the recent attacks against the late Don Croft and etheric warriors with returning guest Carol Croft who runs, and, we’re also joined by past guest Laura Weise, her nickname is Dooney. Dooney is a longtime friend of Carol’s and for more than a decade she’s worked as an energy healer for her clients that include victims of organized stalking. Her site is

In Other News December 12, 2020

On this show we’ve discussed in depth the efficacy of the zapper, a personal bio-electric device worn against the skin to destroy parasites and promote health. It’s powered by a 9-volt battery and operates on 15Hz frequency. The simple zapper is built around a 555 integrated circuit, configured to produce 4.5 millionths of an amp at approximately 15 cycles per second. 4.5 millionths of an amp reach through the skin by the process of simple capacitance and instantly distribute throughout all of the body’s fluids, producing a vital static field in which pathogenic organisms soon die. Returning guest Carol Croft who makes the zapper, says “what researchers have discovered is that weak electric current eliminates viruses and other parasitic organisms. Once these parasites are eliminated, the body’s healing power can be fully unleashed, restoring vibrant health within an amazingly short period of time.”

Carol Croft is among the top creators of orgonite products. She runs, and Carol joins us for quick update and reminder about the zapper and how it can help kill off viruses in the body.

In the last decade the suppression of medical breakthroughs aided by the pharmaceutical industry has been widely exposed yet government approval of drugs continue to be based on test results provided by the drug manufacturers. Lack of independent study, orthodox medical professions, high salaried executives, and government managers in the health agencies have prevented the integration of truly great scientific leaps in medicine.

A prominent example of how American society has been shorted by a morally and scientifically corrupt health care system is the institutional opposition to the medical genius of Royal Raymond Rife.

Dr. Royal Rife was born in 1888. He studied at John Hopkins University and developed technology in the field of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. In the 1930s, Royal Ramond Rife perfected his invention of the universal microscope. The Rife Universal Microscope had nearly 6,000 different parts and was capable of magnifying objects up to 60,000 times their normal size. A device that broke the “vision barrier” by allowing humans to view microbes the size of a virus. Rife was lauded for this enormous scientific achievement. Aside from this invention threatening powerful interests, Rife was also able to use vibrational medicine to cure cancer by killing live pathogens with frequency. The potential for medical science to advance about 100 years with one invention was quietly smothered by an organized campaign launched against Rife’s reputation.

Author Barry Lynes asks will Royal Rife’s scientific and medical discoveries ever be honestly tested and then once confirmed, be widely integrated into everyday medical practice in order to improve everyone’s health? Or will special interests keep Rife’s science and health advances censored and the public restricted to less effective, more expensive therapies?

Guest – Barry Lynes is the author of many books including The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression, The Healing of Cancer, The Cures the Cover-Ups and the Solution Now! and The Cancer Conspiracy, Rife’s Great Discovery: Why “Resonant Frequency” Therapy Is Kept Hidden From Public Awareness and Rife’s World of Electromedicine. He’s worked for decades to reveal the misconduct, cover-up, and suppression of the cure for cancer.

Barry has a B.A. from Boston University in English Literature. He was also trained in academic rigor when investigating complex subjects requiring evidence and documentation of historic subjects.

We talk about the tragic censorship and criminal elements behind the suppression of Royal Rife’s inventions. Recommended website on Royal Rife.

In Other News September 10, 2018


We listen to interviews on the subject of what the evidence has shown about the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11th, 2001, and subsequent free energy suppression. We’ll hear from Dr. Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson, Professor Eric Larson, Attorney Jerry Leaphart, Russ Gerst, and Patrick Kelly.

For nearly two decades it has been clear that a well organized and funded operation has tried to lead people away from the facts and evidence of how the World Trade Towers disintegrated. Its also clear that the second net alternative media will not tell the truth about Dr. Judy Wood’s research, using facts and evidence pointing to the destructive mechanism that caused the towers to come apart. To determine what happened to the towers on September 11, all available evidence must be considered.

On the cover of Dr. Judy Wood’s book titled Where Did The Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free Energy Technology on 911 is a high resolution photograph capturing one of the towers imploding into a fountain of dust. From the photographers angle, the tower was about 5 seconds into its destruction and the top half of the building had vanished opening a clear view to the Hudson River. Her 500 page book compiles irrefutable scientific evidence of how a destructive mechanism was used to make matter come apart on that day. The book has steered many readers away from the conditioning and disinformation deployed to mislead and distract from the real research since the events on September 11, 2001.

Dr. Judy D. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering. Her interests are in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials. She has degrees in Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, and got her PhD in Materials Engineering Science from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and the State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

In 2005, several reports mandated by Congress were issued by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) to determine why and how World Trade Center 1 and World Trade Center 2 collapsed. The word collapse used to describe the tower’s destruction is inaccurate by the way.

In April 2007, Dr Judy Wood and Connecticut attorney Jerry Leaphart filed a Qui Tam complaint against contractors such as Applied Research Associates known as ARA who were among the groups tasked to produce the reports. Parts of Dr. Judy Wood’s book titled Where Did the Towers Go? were submitted as evidence in this case. This evidence shows that both towers turned to dust before a gravity driven collapse was possible. Its critical to understand that this evidence can’t be explained by thermal or kinetic destructive mechanisms.

In Other News July 30, 2018


The last voice you hear on this show’s introduction, “we walk up to them and confront em, and they can’t stand that… “ is Don Croft, who with Carol Croft built and set out to do exceptional world changing selfless etheric work. In that quote, Don Croft is referring to the sewer rats as he called them, the government or private agents tasked with disrupting efforts to distribute orgonite or impart quality truthful information about orgonite. It does take fearlessness, intuition and courage to identify the agent but then go a step further and let them know, that you know who they are.

The news of Don Croft passing was sudden. Local news outlets in eastern Washington state reported the accident but they didn’t really know Don Croft and the legacy he leaves behind. I read about his paragliding accident on late last week and with that news, on the site came an outpouring of appreciation and remembrance that offered a glimpse of the amazing life altering impacts he made across the planet while working with the life etheric, zappers, succor punches, tower buster orgonite and the subsequent interference. That interference can be a major price to pay for converting areas of deadly orgone radiation (DOR) to positive orgone energy. Interference includes computer sabotage, website hacking, so called gangstalking and boilerplating.

Listeners may recall that it was last July 2017 that the Etheric Warriors webmaster Chuck was found dead in his home. Days later, their information rich website forum was destroyed. That was almost a year ago this month, July 2018.

Don Croft suffered head trauma and was airlifted to Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane where he died. Don and Carol Croft’s work was a very important foundation for many topics on this show. Their colleagues and contributors to ethericwarriors were also paradigm shifting guests such as Laura Weise, her husband SteveO (, Lydiane with , Don Bradley and Positive Changes That Are Occurring author Jeff Miller.

The medical bills incurred from this accident are steep, up to $30,000.00. Carol Croft needs help with that expense. Please donate what you can at this link.

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