In Other News February 27, 2022

Last week we heard the first part of Dr. Beverly Rubik’s presentation about the physiological effects of 4G and potential 5G microwave radiation on humans. The presentation was held at the Union Theological Seminary in New York City. We listen to the second part of Dr Rubik’s presentation. Remember, whether you feel the effects or not, among the symptoms, human red blood cells will become sluggish in the body when exposed to non-thermal microwave radiation from sources such as smart meters, cell phones, and wireless routers. I suppose its been determined this is the time to install the cancer causing microwave radiation antenna systems because our societies are very divided, distracted, weakened and confused and little to no resistance is expected.

But when resistance does occur, you’ll likely not hear about it from all mainstream and most alternative news sources. In the city of Kalamata, Greece, population 70 thousand, known for Kalamata olives, it was to decided to suspend the pilot program of 5G wireless network because the citizens of Kalamata eduated themselves about the negative health impacts. They protested the 5G pilot program and forced elected local politicians to suspend the program. Emphasis on elected politicians.

But listen to this quote from this so called objective writer of the article titled Kalamata City Suspends 5G Network Fearing Locals Will Become Infertile! (16 out of 29 members of the City Council adopted the unscientific, unfounded, xenophobic and conspiracy-theoretical claims that: the 5G is an “experiment” using the Kalamata citizens as “guinea pigs” with the aim to “sterilize” them.)

Despite the proven biological impacts such as neurological and reproductive problems, corporate owned, boot licking journalists will earn the hate by mocking a successful resistance. But this is the type of ridicule and mockery you would want to wear as a badge of honor.

Dr. Martin Pall, has explained in detail that inside our muscle, glial and neuron cells, it appears as though the voltage-gated calcium channel is where the background EMF threshold needs to be set.

We hear the second part of Beverly Rubik’s presentation. She earned her Ph.D. in biophysics at the University of California in Berkeley, and has conducted research for nearly 40 years on the energy fields of living organisms termed biofields. She is an internationally recognized expert on the biofield and energy medicine and the author of more than 90 scientific papers and two books. She is an adjunct faculty member in the College of Integrative Health Studies at Saybrook University in Pasadena.