Past guest Carissa Conti returns to discuss her recent article titled Conspiracies in the Workplace – A Microcosm of the Greater World Matrix. For years Carissa has been giving her readers in depth articles on topics such as interdimensional interference, non humans among us and backdrop people. Many of which can be found on her website The majority of her topics are born from direct experience including as you’ll hear, workplace conspiracies. As we wind through some of this lengthy article we will keep in context some current events including how did so many in healthcare, school boards, law enforcement, local, state and government agencies are doing everything they can to murder and take down society. Its unclear how long they’ve been walking among us but as Carissa explains its not by chance they’ve risen to strategic positions all over human society. In regard to the pandemic, I suspect the majority of people know they’ve been lied to every step of the way and the lies continue by saying they won’t and then they do with impunity. We talk about how society has been backed into this corner.

Guest – Carissa Conti is a writer, abductee and Milab. She runs the website and is the author of many articles and the free online book Chasing Phantoms: Personal experiences, Observations and Theories into the Abduction/Mind Control Phenomenon.