The psychic war between men and women in the United States had taken on new dimensions since the 2016 US Presidential campaign. The fall out from Hillary Clinton losing her bid for president of the United States has manifested into what some describe as an irrational animus fomented by institutions to divide women and men. Its true, that gender polarity has been exploited by social institutions through history. However, this divide and conquer strategy along gender lines in this country brought on by various elements during the 2016 presidential campaign, I suspect continues now to be a corrosive element.

Multiple news reports spoke of gender divisions manifesting within households between Hillary supporters and non Hillary supporters. Couples and family members refusing to talk to one another, shouting matches, and so on. In some severe cases, if you didn’t support either candidate that was considered a vote for Donald Trump. To have a woman president for the first time in the United States in the minds of some supporters, eclipsed Clinton’s known political history of corruption and ethical breaches to put it mildly. Intelligent politically aware women were supporting Hillary Clinton because she was female. It seemed more about a woman president getting in to the White House to some supporters and at all costs which I suspect include this inevitable division between men and women. In the Jungian archetype this could be seen as a masculine shadow projected by the female collective.

In the book How I Lost by Hillary Clinton published by OR books, is a list of 91 paid speaking events where Hillary Clinton collected an average of 235,000 dollars for each presentation. Its more than 21 million dollars in speaking fees. This was from April 2013 to March 2015. Three weeks after delivering the last speech she announced her second bid for presidency. Among the speaking fee contributers are Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce – (Keystone Pipeline)Deutsche Bank, Ebay, Canada 2020 (Keystone Pipeline) Biotechnology Industry Organization, Commercial Real Estate Women Network, Xerox Corporation, The Vancouver Board of Trade (Keystone Pipeline) A&E Television, London Drugs, Verizon Corporation, UBS Wealth Management and several Goldman Sachs events.