We hear a presentation by the late professor Michael Persinger, Canadian professor of psychology at Laurentian University titled No More Secrets. Professor Persinger conducted experiments discovering correlation between consciousness and geomagnetic activity. He asserts that because we are all immersed within the Earth’s magnetic field we are all connected in sharing this field.

He correlates quiet geomagnetic activity with a cleaner access to information within the brains of one another. Conversely, greater geomagnetic activity causes more interference and decreases this psychic access. He adds later in the presentation that increased communications signals have similar effect as increased geomagnetic activity in preventing natural brain interaction amid the Earth’s magnetic fields. Think about this in terms of the trillion dollar build out attempt of fifth generation wireless millimeter radiation being forced on societies worldwide.

The campaign promoting the safety of 5G on youtube for example is something to explore.

Is 5G Dangerous – great comments.

How Dangerous Is 5G questions the health concerns and fails to mention radiation is cumulative in the body.

No Evidence 5G Causes Cancer – This, from Skynews Australia