There are several articles reinforcing a myth about distilled water that has floated around for decades. One myth purveyed is that it leeches minerals from the body. That statement is partially true, but what type of minerals are removed?
Many people know that drinking distilled water will not lead to an early death. However, that has also been the essence of a disinformation campaign since the 1970s. Among the sources of these articles is the World Health Organization and on Dr. Mercola’s website, according to Andrew Webber.

We hear a presentation by Andrew describing in detail what distilled water does in the human body and he also discusses urine therapy, another form of distilled water. You’ll also hear Andrew mention how drinking distilled water can begin to remove sodium fluoride from the body.

In one interview, Andrew states that when autopsies are performed on those living in communities with fluoridated water, Quote – “they find fluoride at about 5 to 10 part per million through most of the body. But when they get to the pineal gland during the autopsy, it’s at 22,000 ppm. It goes there like a magnet…….having a rock in the very, very centre of your head, at your most important, most important, most precious gland for thinking, that would be the obvious very first place you’d want to look for problems. And the beauty of distilled water is that it melts that. Most people aren’t aware that there is a massive conspiracy to hide the knowledge of distilled water.”

Andrew Norton Webber was born in Farmington Maine, he’s an artist, lecturer and health researcher. His website is