Rebroadcast from September 2023 – Cleaning Voter Rolls In Every U.S. County.

In this interview Jay Valentine was working to purge duplicate and false addresses from the voter rolls with a target set in all 3200 counties in the United States. He contends in this interview that he likely won’t meet that goal by November 2024. Which means that a very large percentage of corrupt voter rolls will remain with old and slow database software. The unpurged voter rolls are likely  packed with false or outdated addresses. In one scenario, the ballots with fake addresses are sent to warehouses, parking lots, strip malls where the ballots can be later harvested. Until the voter roll databases are purged and converted to better software in all 3200 counties for this election, how can the will of the people be properly expressed in this election?

There are people in positions of power in this country that are willing to do whatever it takes to rig the 2024 election against the voter’s choice. There’s a lot at stake, with unchecked rampant election fraud, the United States may further descend into an irreversibly worse situation.

Hard to believe? I urge you to read Mollie Hemingway’s book titled Rigged: How The Media, Big Tech and Democrats Seized Our Elections. She cites and reveals evidence showing how financial support from big tech, namely Mark Zuckerburg and other sources that helped to create more votes for the Democratic Party. The specific area of concern is mail in ballots, but as many know, digital voting machines and manipulation of voter roll databases are also key vectors of exploitation. However, if you’ve noticed, the left and most of the right aren’t calling the proper attention to election reform, the type of election reform that would create full transparency, a reform that would present irrefutable evidence in court. The type of reform that allow an election system to directly reflect the voice and will of the voter. That technology actually exists and some of it is being used to restore accurate voter data base rolls across counties in many states.

Guest – Jay Valentine has been leading software developers for years to bring systems of transparency to database manipulation including insurance and medicaid fraud. As many know all of this corruption costs taxpayers dearly. Jay Valentine is currently working with legislators in 27 states to demonstrate consistently accurate, and quickly accessible voter databases. Jay Valentine’s site