On this show the topics of healthy boundaries, high character and the human shadow have been examined in depth with guests such as Dr. Paul Dobransky, Paul Levy, Dr. Connie Zweig and Dr. Joe Slate. I’m going to connect these ideas and show you how the healthy mind, body and spirit concept applies directly when assessing the health of a person’s boundary, human energy fields and psychic parasites.

Beginning with boundaries, past guest author and psychiatrist Dr. Paul Dobransky is one of very few who developed a comprehensive visual system to understand and utilize a healthy human boundary and explained that connection to achieving high character. He says your identity in life depends upon learning about boundaries. By doing so, you can learn how to be free from stress and how to command respect.

Essentially, making decisions out of courage, meaning doing the right thing at the time that its needed is making a decision out of courage. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be hypervigilant and run around performing acts of heroism. Being mindful and keeping your word such as showing up at the right time or being prepared for a meeting are some everyday examples. Standing up for yourself in an assertive way and learning how to say “no” are other examples. In our interviews Dr. Paul explained the importance of saying no to maintain healthy boundaries and keep the energy exchange in the win-win category.

Taking lose-win deals will overtime empty your tank of self esteem. Stop taking the lose win deals by answering no to those requests. Saying no is closing the visualized door in your boundary wall. As Dr. Paul describes it, your boundary wall has a door or many doors, but its important to visualize the handle attached on the inside of the door, so you control the opening and closing. When you have control of the door, and only accept win-win deals, in addition to making decisions out of courage you build your self esteem. Your self esteem is a combination of well being and confidence. That’s your gold which Dr. Carl Jung refers to when speaking about the psychological condition of the human shadow.

How can you be free from stress utilizing a healthy boundary? Many who are aware of their shadow issues and potential to lose composure under stress have developed a system of pausing before responding to stimuli. This a similar teaching covered in some martial arts, military and police training. Keeping your composure in a high stress environment is usually a sign of high character. A person with a healthy boundary can choose to respond or not since the handle of the boundary doors are on the inside. Its a simple yet very effective visual tool that can help fortify your self esteem and reduce stress.

Unhealthy boundaries can be full of holes or walled off. A walled off boundary seals up the doors to protect from stimuli such as stress, people or a hostile environment. The impervious boundary is often deployed by those emotionally or psychologically hurt or if someone has experienced loss. In these cases stress can crash through and overwhelm the person. This is often why psychiatrists will prescribe anti-depressants as a temporary fix. while you learn to build a proper boundary. No decisions were being made, therefore self esteem levels remained very low. Low self esteem can result in projecting that loss and hurt onto others. This is also where the shadow manifests creating irrational or unprovoked negative thoughts, lashing out, name calling and violent acts toward others.

We hear part of an interview with Dr. Paul Dobransky speaking about boundaries and psychic vampires.

This is without going deep into the various archetype work that Dr. Paul has written about in his book The King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. In one interview Dr. Paul was also pointing out how experiencing stress can be very damaging to the point where a regression takes place and the personality can revert to a younger psychological age. This bit of information isn’t very well known. Think about this for a minute, the improvements gained from years of therapy sessions, personal education or various critical life shaping experiences can dissolve when you repeatedly expose your nervous system to stressful thoughts or situations. Protections against this level of stress can occur with a healthy personal boundary.

Low self esteem can also occur from constantly taking lose-lose deals. You’re saying yes to every request that is asked of you. The doors to access your personal gold are left wide open. Another way to think about this condition is that the door handles are wrongly placed on the outside where anyone can open them up, reach in and take what they want. A lot of the time this is done unconsciously. The results are low self esteem, feeling drained, and psychically tired. Psychic fatigue is a mind-body tiredness that past guest Carissa Conti writes about because its usually the result of energy being transferred to a psychic parasite. Past guest Dr. Joe Slate went into detail about this and so did Dr. Paul.

The indigenous wisdom traditions also point out that on the physical level, drugs and alcohol create holes in the human auric field that allow easy access for etheric parasites and psychic vampires. Not unlike how the mountain pine beetle can detect a weak tree to infest, etheric parasites can spot a weak human energy system. Dr. Joe Slate is the author of Psychic Vampires, Protection from Energy Predators and Parasites. He’s a licensed Psychologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Alabama and postdoctoral studies in hypnosis and psychosomatic medicine at the University of California. His research into human energy systems has been funded by the US Army, and the Parapsychology Foundation of New York. Dr. Slate defines the term psychic vampire and its many applications from countries, corporations to the individual.

You notice that Dr. Joe Slate has compassion for the energy parasites because of the energy exchange relativity. The technique he mentions of clasping the hands together is very effective. You can look at as closing the circuit. However, on a deeper level, you become the target of energy vampires and etheric parasites if you’re energy system is running low either from a combination of unhealthy boundaries, a lifetime of lose-lose decisions and the body being nutritionally deficient.

In past shows, Laura Shapira and Dr. Connie Zweig discussed various aspects of Dr. Carl Jung’s psychological theory of the human shadow as critical components of ourselves to acknowledge because if unrecognized, the human shadow begins to grow and evolve on its own, unconsciously and will usually show up in situations under stress. Dr. Zweig and Laura Schapira describe, is the moment to also recognize some of your own buried treasure. Why is understanding the shadow aspect of your personality important for a healthy human boundary and overall human energy system? If this exploration is suppressed, your hidden treasure could remain buried.

Dr. Connie Zweig, founder of the Center for Shadow-work and Spiritual Counseling of AIWP. She has a doctorate in psychology, two years training at the Los Angeles Jung Institute, and has been in practice for 20 years. Her books include Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature and Romancing the Shadow: Illuminating the Dark Side of the Soul. Dr. Zweig has come to be known as “The Shadow Expert”: a guide who can go where others fear to tread, into your dark side.

Some people don’t want to talk about evil or even think about evil. Remember Mark Passio’s interview about the new age philosophy of never getting angry. Mark says you need anger for the transmutation process. The human shadow will target those who ignore its ancient psychospiritual disease of the soul. Author Paul Levy calls it Wetiko, its another name for the same affliction of the shadow. His book Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil claims by realizing that we’re all capable of terrible evil unwittingly or not is a beginning to dissolve its strength. Paul had a life changing spiritual awakening and began to recognize the dream like nature of reality.

That was part of an interview with past guest Paul Levy author of Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil. Paul says encoded in the very same affliction that will destroy us from the inside out is a process that can empower and wake us up. But if you can’t recognize that it hides itself rom being seen it will continue to operate in sinister ways. Past guest Professor Eric Larson who gave me his copy of Dispelling Wetiko wrote a powerful essay on this book. The shadow or wetiko doesn’t have power on its own. It operates through the unconscious, the psychic blind spot manifesting as projections. Paul’s research found that Wetiko virus won’t mutate, it forces us to mutate.

Paul Levy is also the author of The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis and also Awakened By Darkness: When Evil Becomes Your Father.

In 1917, Dr. Carl Jung wrote the essay “On the Psychology of the Unconscious” about the personal shadow as the other in us. The negative side of the personality, the sum of all unpleasant qualities we like to hide. It embarrasses or shames us. “Everything with a substance casts a shadow, the ego stands to the shadow as light to shade.” Past guest Laurie Schapira is a teacher at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York. She’s also a filmmaker and author of the book, The Cassandra Complex: Living with Disbelief: A Modern Perspective On Hysteria. We talked about how the shadow can manifest on a larger scale.

Boundaries and shadow work also scale up and can apply to businesses, corporations or countries. Dr. Joe Slate said about location being irrelevant? In physics its called the non-local field. There’s no separation anywhere. The 3rd dimensional laws of space and time are transcended, they don’t hold. Everything is connected with everything else. Paul Levy says when we think, that bad guy, that terrorist, etc they’re evil. We’ve fallen under the spell of Wetiko. What Wetiko feeds off of, not only fear but polarization. If we think that someone is evil, etc, that’s the way the Wetiko is hiding within our perception.

When you see that non-local field then you begin to see the dream like nature of reality. You realize we don’t exist in isolation, we’re interdependent with each other. We all exist in this web, this reciprocal, interconnection, when you see that, that’s the snap out of the separate self the expression out of the realization is compassion. Compassion is the Wetiko dissolver.

Healthy human boundaries opening the doors for win win deals, high character, making decisions out of courage, and an awareness of the human shadow or wetiko, transforming the darkness into gold, are all connected in forming part of the formula in maintaining the human energy system.