We welcome back to the show, returning guest Harry Hubbard who had produced a series of videos titled CCP Parts 1-6. The video series is a deep dive into numerous books with publishing dates from 1890 that all reference a diabolical hidden hand of control in the United States.

Titles include The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beatty , The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, Know Your Enemies by Jack Moore, Tragedy And Hope by Carroll Quigley, The Secret Team: The CIA And Its Allies In Control Of the United States And The World, My Life In Christ – by Eustace Mullins, and Masters Of Deceit: The Story Of Communism In America And How To Fight It by J. Edgar Hoover.

Harry Hubbard is a researcher and collector of rare books, maps, artifacts and currency. We’ve done several shows in the past including, exploring books and maps about the hollow Earth back in 2015.