
In past interviews listeners may recall the work of Dr Joe Slate and Dr Konstantin Korotkov in measuring intention and studying the human auric field. Dr. Joe Slate is the author of Psychic Vampires, Protection from Energy Predators and Parasites. His research into human energy systems has been funded by the US Army and the Parapsychology Foundation of New York. His work is important when including the concepts of parasitism and psychic attacks. We reference that research, and also interference as initially described in Carissa Conti’s past two interviews. She’s author of the book Chasing Phantoms: Personal experiences, Observations and Theories into the Abduction/Mind Control Phenomenon. Carissa’s research is critical to add in because she kept track of her experiences in regular journal entries that would otherwise lost. Why is it important? Her work helped a bigger pattern emerge when categorizing the types of interference and back drop people. With this background, the foundation is set for regular listeners to this show, to look at an unconventional area of research conducted by our guest Eve Lorgen who wrote 2 books Love Bite: Alien Interference In Human Love Relationships and The Dark Side of Cupid. The books examine case studies of alien abductees, obsessive relationships and interference. From puppy love, to violent divorces, Eve Lorgen demonstrates how aliens may be somehow involved with orchestrating these dramas.

We will also talk about the work of her colleagues, the late Barbara Bartholic and Karla Turner who both uncovered evidence on the negative aspects of alien visitation through examining many individual abductee experiences. Barbara and Karla were pioneers amid the New Age community who regarded all aliens as space brothers.

Guest – Eve Lorgen is an author, researcher and consultant in anomalous trauma. She offers hypnotherapy, coaching and telephone consulting services. Eve holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from San Francisco State University and a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology.