Today we get into part two of They Walk Among Us. In the first episode we heard parts of interviews from science fiction writer Ray Nelson, Dr. John Hall, Bonnie Jean Mitchell and John Mitchell, author Laura Knight Jadcyck, Richard Bruce and referenced the short story Ten O’Clock People. In that line up it we looked closely at the various literary tools and real-life properties such as drugs and hypnosis that were accidental catalysts, a type of trigger to shift the human perspective allowing one to see through the interloper’s masquerade. It certainly is a masquerade by the word’s definition “pretending to be someone one you’re not.” There are many forms the beings can take within the concept of “they walk among us” such as the being is partially souled, or possessed, or a clone, a doppelganger an android or a non-human wearing the liquid crystal human suit. It’s clear to some that the invasion has happened and now the human race is slowly and unwittingly being enslaved within a dystopian surveillance society that promises security and convenience.

We continue to look back at several interviews that all reference a type of silent invasion within the human race with past guests author Andrew Hennessey, radio host Sherry Shriner, author Carissa Conti and Mark Passio. Keep in mind while you hear the voices of these past guests that this content is usually relegated to the genre of paranoid fiction. Meanwhile, the grounded psychological conditions such as shadow projection and psychopathy will be factored in.