There are many layers of deception stacked up regarding the recent protests and subsequent reactions. A similar deception exists when researching areas such as pizzagate. But there was one big mistake that made many pizzagate skeptics pause. When you compiled the gatekeepers into a list, it becomes way too obvious of an over reach and flexing of media gatekeeper muscle that inadvertantly turned a smoldering camp fire into an inferno.

You now hear the words Deep State used when people reference operations run by contractors of U.S. government agencies or any three letter agency itself. Its a reference to the many tentacles involving government, their agents, contractors, politicians and funding institutions running programs for various outcomes, such as interfering with protests, setting up protests, and at this time, its massively supported by a complicit mainstream media – an advanced project mockingbird. A hamfisted support to the discerning eye.

You may recall Dr. Judy Wood suggesting that the 9/11 truth movement was created before the catastrophic events of September 11th, 2001. If that’s the case, those involved in building the psychological operation knew there would be a flow of people who won’t believe the 9-11 Commission Report. So, the psychological arena is built to corral those searching for more information. One stop shopping for truth. This is what past guest Matthew Delooze calls the second net. Some of us have our gills caught, tangled, twisting in the deep sea, a target for predators that know there will be easy prey in the net. Professor Eric Larson talked in depth about gate keepers within the so called progressive left. Infiltrating liars acting as journalists.

There’s an interesting article about Pizzagate – Skeptic’s Guide to ‘Pizzagate’, ‘Pedogate’ and Russia Denial. Its interesting because it does a pretty good job trying to dissuade fence sitters by deconstructing some of the absurd claims by pizzagate investigators. No doubt some of the evidence brought forward by pizzagate investigators can be easily taken apart and scrutinized, and they’ve made big mistakes. Does that mean its all fake? Of course not. A rational approach to any investigation allows for making mistakes. The biggest mistake however that was deployed to cover up pizzagate was the mainstream media damage control gatekeeper power move. Let me go down the list compiled from last year. Open phones follow.