
We’ve had a number of guests talk about Carl Jung’s psychological theory of the human shadow as critical components of ourselves to acknowledge because if unrecognized, unacknowledged, the human shadow begins to grow and evolve on its own, without your awareness and will usually come up for you in situations when you’re under stress. That moment, as past guests Laurie Shapira and Dr. Connie Zweig explained is also that you can recognize your own buried treasure. However, if this exploration is suppressed, your hidden treasure could remain buried. Also, in past shows, the topic of men and archetypes has been discussed and recently in an interview with Dr. Paul Dobranski, author King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover in the Opposite Sex: How to Instantly Recognize Your One True Life Partner. After that show, a couple listeners sent a message requesting to have discussions about the feminine archetypes. It’s fortunate that Dr. Carmen Boulter’s book Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness has just come back into print.

Guest – Gary Bobroff says there is an ongoing shift away from negative components within dominant masculine energy and toward the feminine archetypes and models. Jung, Crop Circles & the Reemergence of the Archetypal Feminine is the title of his recent book. We continue the discussion in using Dr. Carl Jung’s theories as a lens to examine enigmatic topics such as the crop circle phenomena. Gary is an internationally acclaimed author and speaker. He’s also a Jungian oriented psychotherapist in private practice.

Upcoming Event – SYNCHRONICITY: Matter & Psyche Symposium with Rupert Sheldrake & Graham Hancock (both banned TED talks)